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How to send view once on telegram

How to send photos, files and disappearing media in Telegram

Telegram has a number of features, one of which is the disappearance of photos, files or media. Before the new update of Telegram, you used to do this with secret chat, but with the latest update of Telegram, you can do this in public chats as well. Just like Instagram, you could send timed photos in Direct.
Now, in this article, we want to teach it to you. So follow this article until the end to do it very easily.
How to send view once on telegram (How can you send a timed or disappearing photo or file?)
If you want to send a photo or file to someone, but you will not be available to that person forever, you can delete it both for yourself and for that person, or you can choose a set time for your photo or file until after this. The set period will be deleted on their own.
How to send view once on telegram (Steps to timer photos or files in Telegram)

⦁ Step 1: In the first step, open your Telegram chat page and click on the tap icon

⦁ Step 2: click on your gallery icon

⦁ Step 3: Then you click on the photo or video or anything else you like in your gallery. Do not click on the circle with the image

Step 4: Now, in this section, several icons will appear below the image for you, and you must click on the timer icon

⦁ Step five: Through the list that appears for you, you can set your time from a second to a minute
After that, choose your desired time and click on done

Now your photo has a timer and if you don’t have any other settings on your photo, you can click on the word document to send your photo.
Now your photo or file will be sent to your contact in the form of a flame, and after the period of time that you previously set, your photo or file will be automatically deleted for the other person.

How to send view once on telegram (Very important article)

Note that this is only applicable for secret chat, but if this message is for you, this message is not supported by your version of Telegram Desktop. Please update to the last version in Settings or install it from You need to update Telegram on your phone or laptop.

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