How to telegram last seen recently

Learning how to do the last seen recently in Telegram

Telegram program is a good and popular messaging program due to its features like WhatsApp program.

But you can personalize in Telegram, this is why the Telegram program has distinguished itself from other messenger programs.

Telegram program has many features. Which is one of the features of the Telegram program (last seen recently), that is, you can find out the last time each person was online, or you can hide your online presence from others and no one will know that you are online.

How to telegram last seen recently

In this article, we teach some important points about Telegram’s recent list feature.)

⦁ What is last seen recently on telegram

⦁ How do mange Telegram’s last seen recently setting
⦁ How to hide your last seen recently from a specific person

⦁ How to telegram last seen recently

Last seen Recently is actually a time range from one minute to three days, but if you hide Last seen Recently from others, it won’t show that time period either to you or to anyone else.
There are four time frames in the recent list as follows.

⦁ Last seen recently : It ranges from one second to two or three days
⦁ Last seen within a week : It means between two days and seven days
⦁ Last seen within a week : It means between a week and a month
⦁ Last seen a long time a ago : It means that the person’s account has been blocked for more than a month or forever
⦁ How to telegram last seen recently (How do mange Telegram’s last seen recently setting
You can also hide your visit time from others in the Telegram program. Now, to do this, enter the Telegram program settings and click on the Privacy and Security option

Now you click on last seen recently . Now three options will open for you.
⦁ Everyone: If you click on this option, everyone can see your online time.
⦁ My contact: Now, by activating this option, only people who are in your contact list will see your online time
⦁ Nobody: If you activate this option, it means that no one, not even your contact list, will know when you are online.
Also, if you activate the nobody option, you will not be shown the last online time of other people

⦁ How to telegram last seen recently (How to hide your last seen recently from a specific person)
Telegram program has another option, through which you can hide your online time for some people who are in your contact list. Now we will teach you the steps to do it.
To do this, you enter the settings of the Telegram program like the steps above. Click on the Privacy and Security option. Under Add exceptions, in the Never Share With section, you can add people you don’t want to know about your last online time

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